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Almond keto buns without spices, gluten-free

These low-carb buns are made from almond flour, which is gluten-free and, unlike grain flour, contains lots of vitamins. Also they contain psyllium, 85% of which is pure fiber.
More tender taste option of our classic almond keto-buns. Would be perfect keto-bread for children!
Add the filling to taste — cheese, meat, or the trendy low-carb fruit — avocado, and enjoy your keto sandwich for breakfast or dinner!
See more products in the 'Bread' category!
ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
Almond flour, egg whites, pumpkin seeds, psyllium, apple cider vinegar, black himalayan salt, baking powder.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
9.1 g
(8.0% kcal), protein - 21 g, fat - 37 g, fiber - 5 g, calories - 454 kcal.
Shelf life: 8 days at a temperature of 4-12 °C.
Assorted buns for a sandwich, set of 6 pcs.

Almond black assorted set, set of 6 pcs.

Almond black assorted set, set of 9 pcs.
