Poppy seed rolls are a very fond childhood memory. Meet the reincarnation of this childhood dream, suitable for keto or low carb diet! And we have an improvement that everyone was missing: the very generous amount of filling!
You will love the balance of sweet, textured filling and dough with a nutty flavor. Try this healthy, full of fiber roll with coffee or green tea.
By the way, if you lack variety in your keto eating plan and if you want to try something else with poppy seeds, we also have poppy seed keto cookies.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 8-10 °C.

This version of keto cinnabon, unlike our classic one, does not contain any nuts. It is soft even without heating, and the consistency is like the “traditional” sugar bun. It contains nutritious flax that did not affect the taste in any way. The top of cinnabon is covered with a delicious topping based on cream cheese.
Delivery through “Nova Poshta” can mess up the creamy topping, please keep that in mind if you’re sending it as a gift.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-10 °C.

Keto muffin is the most delicate biscuit with very light coconut and vanilla aromas. As usual - sugar&gluten free, and even nuts free.
This muffin is already perfect in its minimalism. And it does not even need any frosting in order to get the perfect taste. In addition, the absence of frosting makes it low calory compairing with our other desserts, and also much more affordable price. So you definitely want to eat “one more”, and you can afford it with a clear conscience!
By the way, it should especially appeal to children due to its soft and juicy texture. At the same time, mothers will be confident that their child received sweets without any sugar and gluten.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-6 °C.

Perfect keto dessert: tender sweet pastry with sour drops of barberry. Chocolate topping combines perfectly with the aroma of traditional Austrian rum!
By the way, barberry is not just a vivid-tasting berry, but also a superfood: it has an incredibly high amount of vitamin C, as well as useful alkaloids, iron, and zinc.
If you liked our exotic rum baba keto dessert, we guarantee that you will also like the classic taste of our other masterpiece of keto-baking: keto cinnamon rolls!
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-6 °C.

Our fragrant and nutritious keto cinnamon rolls will satisfy your sweet tooth for a long time. Tastes the best when heated up a little!
Low carb pastry dough is the secret of our pastry chef, however, we will reveal a large part of it: it is almond flour! Thanks to it’s properties our pastry contain so few carbs. It is very nutritious, thus keto pastry are high in calories. But do not be afraid of that! After a small portion of low-carb pastry you will feel full for a long time without thinking “what to eat” in an hour, as is the case with regular desserts.
Cinnabon is the most classic dessert you can imagine. However, if you suddenly get bored of its wonderful taste, try our exotic keto dessert rum baba with barberry. You will love it!
Delivery through “Nova Poshta” can mess up the creamy topping, please keep that in mind if you sending it as a gift.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-10 °C.