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Keto muffin, sugarless and gluten-free

Keto muffin is the most delicate biscuit with very light coconut and vanilla aromas. As usual - sugar&gluten free, and even nuts free.
This muffin is already perfect in its minimalism. And it does not even need any frosting in order to get the perfect taste. In addition, the absence of frosting makes it low calory compairing with our other desserts, and also much more affordable price. So you definitely want to eat “one more”, and you can afford it with a clear conscience!
By the way, it should especially appeal to children due to its soft and juicy texture. At the same time, mothers will be confident that their child received sweets without any sugar and gluten.
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ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
Eggs, coconut cream, coconut flour, coconut oil, baking powder, erythritol, stevia extract, vanilla extract.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
8.1 g
(12.4% kcal), protein - 10 g, fat - 21 g, fiber - 7 g, calories - 260 kcal.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-6 °C.
Assorted coconut keto muffins, set of 4 pc.

Assorted coconut keto muffins, set of 6 pc.

Assorted coconut keto muffins, set of 6 pc.
