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Sugar-free chocolate keto panna cotta

Quite a light, but rich in taste low-carb dessert for lovers of chocolaty things!
Gentle chocolate-cream keto souffle is complemented by a thick chocolate fondant for the intensity of taste. The proportion of erythritol is chosen in such a way that you will not even guess that it is a dessert without sugar!
And if you miss the berry season, we recommend other light cream souffles: raspberry and blackberry keto panna cottas!
See more products in the 'Panna cotta' category!
ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
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Fermented baked milk 4%, heavy cream 33%, cocoa powder, butter, gelatine, erythritol, stevia extract.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
5.2 g
(7.8% kcal), protein - 7 g, fat - 24 g, fiber - 0 g, calories - 265 kcal.
Shelf life: 6 days. Store at 4-6 °C.