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Spinach and feta mini keto-pie, gluten-free

With a crunchy shortbread base and a luscious cheese and spinach filling, this keto adaptation of the traditional French quiche is perfect for any occasion – whether it’s enjoyed for breakfast or dinner as a main dish, or served for lunch alongside soup or broth. Our quiche is both satisfying and comforting, and it’s gluten-free.
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ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
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Spinach, whole nut almond flour, sour cream, feta cheese , eggs, cherry tomatoes, almond flour, egg whites, butter, black himalayan salt.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
8.4 g
(7.1% kcal), protein - 18 g, fat - 41 g, fiber - 3 g, calories - 475 kcal.
Shelf life: 6 days. Store at 4-6 °C.