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Poppy-seed keto-rolls - sugarless and gluten-free

Poppy seed rolls are a very fond childhood memory. Meet the reincarnation of this childhood dream, suitable for keto or low carb diet! And we have an improvement that everyone was missing: the very generous amount of filling!
You will love the balance of sweet, textured filling and dough with a nutty flavor. Try this healthy, full of fiber roll with coffee or green tea.
By the way, if you lack variety in your keto eating plan and if you want to try something else with poppy seeds, we also have poppy seed keto cookies.
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ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
Poppy seeds, almond flour, mozzarella, sour cream, eggs, erythritol, stevia extract, whole nut almond flour, psyllium, baking powder.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
8.3 g
(8.2% kcal), protein - 17 g, fat - 34 g, fiber - 4 g, calories - 406 kcal.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 8-10 °C.