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Cinnamon zucchini keto-rolls mini - sugarless and gluten-free

This version of keto cinnabon, unlike our classic one, does not contain any nuts. It is soft even without heating, and the consistency is like the “traditional” sugar bun. It contains nutritious flax that did not affect the taste in any way. The top of cinnabon is covered with a delicious topping based on cream cheese.
Delivery through “Nova Poshta” can mess up the creamy topping, please keep that in mind if you’re sending it as a gift.
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ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
Squash, eggs, butter, cream cheese, flax seeds, cinnamon, coconut flour, psyllium, erythritol, stevia extract, baking powder, vanilla extract.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
9.9 g
(11.9% kcal), protein - 8 g, fat - 29 g, fiber - 10 g, calories - 333 kcal.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-10 °C.