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Pumpkin keto-buns, gluten-free
Like other keto-friendly breads, these buns are the perfect base for and sandwiches with butter, cheese, pork or pate.
To maintain a low-carb ratio they are made from pumpkin seeds, coconut flour and psyllium, which are rich sources of fiber and micronutrients.
All ingredients are gluten free.
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ℹ️ Ingredients, nutritional value, storage conditions
Pumpkin seeds, egg whites, apple cider vinegar, coconut flour, psyllium, baking powder, black himalayan salt.
Nutritional value per 100 g: carbs -
5.5 g
(10.4% kcal), protein - 12 g, fat - 16 g, fiber - 6 g, calories - 212 kcal.
Shelf life: 8 days. Store at 4-10 °C.
Assorted buns for a sandwich, set of 4 pcs.
Assorted buns for a sandwich, set of 6 pcs.